Türkiyede uzun zamandır olmayan ama daha sonra geldimi tam gelen kuru şampuanlar.İlk kuru şampuan deneyimim Watsons tan almıştım kahverengi saçlar için olanını almıştım.Fena değildi.
Neyse ki artık hem Toni&Guy geldi hem John Frieda geldi.İki markanında kuru şampuanları var.İkisinide denemiştim.Yanlız John Friedanın ki küçük gelmişti bir daha almadım.
Toni&Guy ın kuru şampuanı çok güzel ve çok güzel kokuyor.
Elidorun da 3 seriden oluşan kuru şampuanları var.
*Boyalı Saçlar İçin ...Turuncu Kutu.Hiç denemedim bilmiyorum.
*Yağlı Saçlar İçin...Yeşil olan kutusu.Ve ben buna bayıldım baya baya saçlarımı hacim veriyor.
*Normal Saçlar İçin ... Pembe Kutu : Güzel ama yeşili tercih ederim.
Hi everybody, today I will talk about the DRY SHAMPOO :) .
I had used John Frieda Dry Shampoo but I had finished it and had junked its bottle.Thats why I coulndt shoot its photo.But I can say something about it.Generally I realy liked all of dry shampoo that I used.
I didnt buy again John Frieda cus it was small and a little expensive as the others ( Elidor and Toni&Guy)
Now I am using Elidor Dry Shampoo. And I have two types of Elidor dry shampoo.One if them is ( green bottle) is for very oily hair.It looks like hair spray.Hmm how can I say It makes your hair a little hard but I like it.this is not a problem for me. It is soo good.And realy it makes my hair volume and look very fresh and clean. And Elidor is the cheapest dry shampoo that I bought.And It works
And the pink one is for normal hair.I like it too.But I want more volume and the green one is more succesfull about making volume.My hair so tiny and I havent got too much hair.Maybe cus of this Green is suitable for my hair.
And the last one is Toni&Guy Dry Shampoo.I love it however its smeel has got to much role for love this product.
Green bottle Elidor and Toni&Guy dry Shampoo are my favoutite.:))

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